No Fiel Inimigo:
Robert Studley Forrest Hughes, 1938-2012
California - Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Going Out of Business!
John Stossel - Better Ideas In Education
Drawing back the Financial Iron Curtain to a Beautiful Anarchy w/Jeffrey Tucker!
John Stossel - Where The Jobs Are - O problema do ensino profissional e técnico-profissional.
Thomas Sowell - Our Intellectual-In-Chief - Da mania do canudo para todos.
John Stossel - Real World Effects Of Minimum Wage - Sobre o salário mínimo.
FOX NEWS - Will Authorities Abuse Skype?
Buraco Obama não tem mesmo vergonha - Himmler não faria melhor - The Despicable New Ad From President Obama's Super PAC
Lord Monckton & Marc Morano expose phantom "climate refugees" & sea level rise
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