sábado, 16 de junho de 2012

Da luta entre a nossa intuição e a realidade

Dito de outra forma, da diferença entre o saber superficial e o conhecer em profundidade.

The natural human instinct is to say: 'Why doesn't the government do something?' What government usually does is make the problem worse .... Why don't we never learn?

What intuition tempts us to believe: When there's a problem, government should act. What reality taught me: individuals should act, not government.

What intuition temps us to believe: Someone needs a plan, and the central planners know best. What reality taught me: no one knows enough to plan a society.

What intuition temps us to believe: The important thing is to have heroic leaders.  What reality taught me: real heroes don't control other people's lives.

What intuition temps us to believe: Big business runs the media, so the media support big business. What really taught me: the media hate business.

What intuition temps us to believe: Government can 'get the economy moving again'. What reality taught me: Government does not spend money better than individuals do.

What intuition tempts us to believe: Some institutions are too big to fail. What reality taught me: Failure make markets work.

What intuition tempts us to believe: If auto companies are in trouble, government should encourage the purchase of new cars. What reality taught me: Wealth will be destroyed, and poor people will be hurt.

What intuition tempts us to believe: Lunatics want to murder us, so we must kill them over there before they kill us over here. What reality taught me: Such thing leads to an overextended military.

It didn't take me long to understand [as I was starting my carrier in television] that almost every 'news' story should draw attention to some terrible problem: homelessness, illegitimacy, the crack cocaine epidemic ... There was almost always just one answer: 'Government should do something'.

1 comentário:

Eduardo Freitas disse...

Um excelente exercício de veiculação do bom senso contra a doutrina estatista dominante, nas suas múltiplas variantes, da direita à esquerda.